  • Preluare apeluri telefonice: 09:00 - 18:00
  • Sos. Iasi - Tomesti 78
  • 0787434555


Senzori parcare

100.00 lei

4 sensor system, double CPU and advanced chipset for enhanced coverage and detection (0-2m).
With digital colored LED display (number & light).
Help to prevent dangerous and costly collisions.
Help to provide increased safety for passengers, pedestrians and family members who happen to be around the moving vehicle.
Detect small children and low walls as well.
Anti-freeze and rain proof.
Easy to install.
A saw drill head included.

1*Main Control Box
1*LED Display Indicator
4*Parking Sensors with 2.5M/8.2ft Line
1*Hole Saw
1*A saw drill head
1*Power Cable
2*Double Side Sticker

În stoc



Nu exista o recenzie.

Doar clientii autentificati si care au cumparat acest produs pot lasa o recenzie.

Caraus Bogdan
Consultant vanzari

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